Grants For Childhood Obesity Programs

Grants For Childhood Obesity Programs – Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the United States and many other countries in the world. The unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and the gadget addiction are contributing to the problem. Recent statistics coming from the Centers for Disease Control have shown shocking information on this matter. As much as 31.7 percent of children in the United States are overweight, and 17 percent of the total children are obese. This means that there are more than 30 overweight children in every 100 children, and 17 of them are obese.

Being obese affects more than just outer appearance. There are numerous studies that have confirmed the strong relationship between obesity and serious illness. Children who are obese are more likely to develop heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes type II compared to the healthy children.


There are a lot of schools and nonprofit organizations who have the same concerns just like many parents out there. Grants for childhood obesity programs are important for these parties in order to help them fight the condition. The schools can make use of the grant money to provide healthy food options for their students instead of junk food. They can also use the grant money to produce programs that promote physical activities and the use of local crops such as planting gardens, connecting local farmers to the school etc.

List of Grants For Childhood Obesity Programs

Below are some examples of organizations, foundations, and nonprofits that can help schools and other nonprofits to fight child obesity:

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

I am sure most nonprofits members have heard about this foundation. It is one of the richest foundations in the United States and it has provided various help for the various cause. In the case of child obesity, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation allocated $500 million grants for schools and other nonprofits to promote active living, healthy eating and good health policy changes in order to battle the childhood obesity.

United States Department of Agriculture

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) through their Farm to School program encourages schools to work together with local farmers to provide healthy meals using local farm produce. This is a great program because the school can reduce the cost of the ingredient because they buy it directly from the farmer. The food will be a lot fresher, and healthier.

American Heart Association

The American Heart Association, working together with the National Dairy Council and the National Football League have created the Fuel Up to Play 60 program that can provide grants for schools so that they can improve the nutrition of their breakfast program.

There are also numerous programs available in each state that can help nonprofit organizations and schools to improve their ability to counter the problem. For example, the Ohio Children agency provides the Preventing Childhood Obesity Community Grants, which amounts to $250,000 for various nonprofits and schools.

That’s why Children’s created Preventing Childhood Obesity Community Grants to harness the strength of community partners and touch as many young lives as possible. This spring, we’ll award a quarter of a million dollars in grants to non-profit partners, equipping them to improve the health and lives of children. The 2015-16 grant application period is now open! Please submit your application using the link below. Applications are due by Friday, March 27 at 5 p.m.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan offers grants to schools through their Building Healthy Communities: Engaging Elementary Schools and Communities program to offer evidence-based nutrition and exercise curriculum in the schools.

Numerous funders are encouraging children to learn more about gardening, where food comes from and growing food themselves. Local community foundations offer grants through their Youth Advisory Councils.

As we recognize National Nutrition Month and National School Breakfast Week from March 7th through the 11th, these examples can add a little green to your budget when working to prevent childhood obesity.

Preventing Childhood Obesity

Did you know that childhood obesity is the number one health concern of parents in the greater Omaha metro? It’s true, according to the 2012 Community Health Needs Assessment, co-sponsored by Children’s Hospital & Medical Center. Childhood obesity is a health crisis on the national level, as well, affecting 17 percent of children and teens in the United States. Obese children are more likely to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.

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