Grants for School Furniture

Grants for School Furniture – Many schools have a hard time finding the money for school furniture and other equipment. We understand that not every school has the luxury to purchase the furniture to support their service in education. That is why we have collected some information about grants or programs that may be able to provide furniture for your school.

There are various grant sources in the United States. In general, they are provided by the Federal government, state government, corporate foundations, and organizations and even from local community organization such as churches etc. In today’s post, you’ll see some of them.

Grants for School Furniture Provider

Here are some available grants for school furniture to consider:

Grants.Gov is a government-administered website that lists all of the grant programs available from every governmental office in the United States. If you are looking for a grant that can help your school buying the furniture, we recommend you go to the site and make a quick search. Usually the government grants are not-so-friendly to individual grant searchers (except if you’re looking for education grant), but they are friendly towards institutions and nonprofits, which include schools.


Grants for School Furniture

Gifts in Kind International

Non-profit schools can apply for a grant from Gifts in Kind International. Last year they gave out furniture for schools, and not free money. They may be able to provide you with furniture that your school’s need. We recommend calling them at (703) 836-2121 or visit their official site at

The Robert S. and Eloise C. Bowers Foundation

Selected schools will be able to receive grants award, ranging from $2,000 to $12,500. The amount received depends on various aspects, and not every school applying for the grant will receive the money since the fund is limited. Make a call to (405) 202-7708 to learn more about this opportunity and its requirements.

AMB Foundation

Schools in Arizona area can try applying for furniture grant from the AMB Foundation. This foundation may be able to help your school with the furniture by providing grant awards with a various amount, depending on their criteria. The smallest grant award provided for the selected school is $2,000, with the maximum amount of grant award of $12,000. Send your letter of inquiry to their office at P.O. Box 94717, Phoenix, AZ 85070-4717.

Toshiba America Foundation

Toshiba has been around for many years in the United States. Through the Toshiba America Foundation, the company provides some Corporate Social Responsibility programs. One of them is the grant program for schools that can be used for getting school equipment.

Needless to say, furniture is also included in the equipment category, so your school can use this grant to get the furniture you need. The grant award amount varies from school to school, but the maximum award amount is $20,000. To learn more about this opportunity please call their office at (212) 596-0620.

How to Apply Grants for School Furniture

Grants are fantastic because they provide money that you never have to pay back. However, obtaining grants isn’t always easy. Even if your school truly needs the funding, you must demonstrate that your request is about more than just the money. You need to make a strong case for why your school needs the grant more than others.

When you know what types of grants you’re looking for, where to find them, and how to write a compelling grant proposal, obtaining grants for your school’s furniture needs can become straightforward. Let’s get started.

Define the Problem/Specific Need

Finding and applying for grants that suit your school’s needs takes time and effort, but it’s a necessary process if your school needs funding. Make the process easier by identifying your school’s issues and determining how additional funding can address these problems.

Your primary goal in finding the right grants is to ensure they meet your school’s needs effectively. A clear understanding of why your school needs specific grants and how these grants will help will simplify writing future proposals. This clarity will also help you make a stronger case for why your school deserves the grants over others, increasing your chances of success.

Find Grants Relevant to Your Issue

Once you know the types of grants you need, you must know where to look for them. Identifying your school’s specific needs and reasons requires creativity, as does searching for grants. Look for grants in all the obvious places, like government websites, but don’t overlook less obvious sources such as local organizations and businesses that offer funding for schools.

Write Your Grant Proposal

Now that you know what your school needs and who can provide the funding, it’s time to ask for it. Your grant proposal should clearly reflect the purpose of the grant and what it offers. The key question to answer is: why does your school deserve this grant over every other school? Present your ideas and arguments in an organized and easy-to-read manner. If you find it challenging to write the proposal yourself, consider hiring a professional writer.


Start by briefly introducing your school and its mission. Explain the specific need or problem that the grant will address. This sets the stage for the rest of your proposal and gives the reader a clear understanding of your school’s context and challenges.

Needs Statement:

Provide detailed information about the issues your school is facing. Use data and examples to support your statements. This section should convincingly explain why the funding is necessary and how it will help address the problems your school is experiencing.


Clearly state what you hope to achieve with the grant. Make sure your objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Well-defined objectives will help the grant reviewers understand your goals and the expected impact of the funding.

Project Description:

Describe the project or program that the grant will fund. Include information about how the project will be implemented and who will be involved. Provide a clear and detailed plan to show that your school is ready and capable of successfully executing the project.


Provide a detailed budget that shows how the grant funds will be used. Justify the costs and explain why they are necessary for the success of the project. A well-prepared budget demonstrates that your school has carefully planned the project and ensures transparency in how the funds will be spent.

Evaluation Plan:

Explain how you will measure the success of the project. Include specific metrics and methods for evaluating the outcomes. This section should show that your school is committed to assessing the project’s effectiveness and making adjustments as needed.


Summarize why your school is the best candidate for the grant. Reiterate the impact the grant will have on your school and community. A strong conclusion reinforces your key points and leaves a lasting impression on the grant reviewers.

One thing you should remember when you’re applying for the grant is to follow the guidelines provided by each grant provider. This means that each and every grant application is unique. We recommend you to carefully read the requirements and the guidelines for the school furniture grants and follow it.


  • Toshiba – Leading Innovation –
  • Grant for School Furniture –
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