Grants for High School Students to Travel Abroad

Getting grants for high school students to travel abroad is probably the ultimate dream for students who love to visit new places and get new experiences. I think everybody know that traveling abroad will require a considerable amount of money, therefore, scholarships and grants are preferable options for some.

Before you continue reading, we would like to remind you that finding travel grants and scholarships for high school students can be a challenging process because there are only few organizations that support this matter. There are indeed a lot of reputable corporations that focus on improving the high school education, but most are limited to programs in United States. Below are some of the few sources of high school abroad travel grant we can find:


Sources  of Grants for High School Students to Travel Abroad

Here are some best sources to get grants for high school students to travel abroad:

Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)

The CIEE is a wonderful place to start your search. As the name suggests, the council takes care of student exchange and study abroad programs; while most are available for undergraduate and graduate students, there are still some room for high school students. The council offers summer and year-long programs, and you don’t have to worry about the excursions and home stays! It is important to note that there’s a fee for the program, but there are numerous scholarships and grants for high merit students and low-income students. Visit their office and fill out the application as soon as possible!

Rotary International

Rotary International is one of the oldest organizations in United States that takes care of student exchange programs. Although it is true that the Rotary International currently reducing the amount of grant money allocated for the program, you can still get considerably large money. We know that the grant award amount for the program somewhere between $27,000. This money should be used to cover your expenses, including travel expenses, lodging expenses, and other cost related to your study abroad.

Student Youth Travel Association Foundation (SYTA)

The SYTA is a foundation that provides two kinds of grants that can be used for traveling. First, there’s the Road Scholarships, which is designed to help high school students who are from low-income families. There’s also the National Youth Day Out program which is basically a program that cover the cost of one day trip for the entire class of students.

Farther Foundation

Last but not least, there’s the Farther Foundation, which is a Chicago-based foundation that specifically focuses on helping the cost for educational travel for high school and college students. The grant award is up to $4,000, which can be used for summer or extracurricular programs.  It is important to note that this grant is only available for Chicago students from low-income family.

International Cultural Exchange Services

International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES) offers one of the best high school study abroad programs. This nonprofit group is officially sponsored by the US Department of State under the J-1 visa program and is recognized by many other organizations.

ICES provides various programs for high school students. They take care of almost everything for the students, like finding a place to stay, getting into schools, booking flights, arranging medical insurance, offering emergency help, and more.

National Geographic Student Expeditions

National Geographic Student Expeditions offers high school students the chance to explore and learn internationally during the summer. Students join National Geographic Society members and explorers in the field, working on projects that teach them new skills and keep them engaged.

Students can study areas like cultural history, geology, technology, tropical biology, and more, choosing programs that interest them the most. Many trips also focus on photography, helping students improve their photography skills and capture memories of their adventure.

MEI International Academy

MEI International Academy specializes in study abroad programs for high school students. They offer access to programs and resources in many countries, with semester-long study options that provide great academic experiences. MEI designs these journeys to enhance learning through immersive and service-learning approaches, helping students connect with various cultures.

Often, students can visit multiple countries during their study abroad trips. This makes MEI International Academy a great choice for students who want to travel and explore different parts of the world.

Best Time to Study Abroad

The best time to study abroad can differ for each student, but many find that their junior year is ideal. By this time, students usually have a strong academic foundation and are mature enough to handle living in a new country. Additionally, studying abroad in junior year can enhance college applications by showing adaptability and global awareness.

Additionally, sophomores and seniors can find valuable opportunities in studying abroad, depending on their individual academic and personal aspirations. Regardless of the grade, it’s important to plan carefully. Students should make sure the study abroad program fits with their graduation requirements and other academic responsibilities. This way, they can stay on track for the rest of high school.

Tips to Prepare Study Abroad

Preparing for a high school study abroad experience requires careful planning and consideration to ensure a smooth and fulfilling journey. Here’s how to prepare effectively:

Select the Right Study

Firstly, selecting the right study abroad program or internship is crucial. Research popular destinations and programs that align with your interests and academic goals. Consider factors like program duration (summer, semester, or year-long), academic offerings, and cultural immersion opportunities.

Gather All Necessary Documentation

Secondly, gather all necessary documentation well in advance. This includes obtaining a valid passport and, if required, applying for a visa. While many study abroad programs assist with visa applications, students typically handle passport and other paperwork independently.


Timing is another important aspect to consider. Choosing between summer, semester, or year-long programs depends on personal preferences and academic commitments. Summer programs are often favored as they allow students to explore without interrupting their regular school year.

Academic Planning

Academic planning is essential to ensure the study abroad experience contributes positively to your educational journey. Research the curriculum offered by your chosen program and ensure it aligns with your academic interests and graduation requirements. This step helps maintain academic progress and ensures a valuable learning experience abroad.


Packing wisely is key to being prepared for different climates and cultural norms. Check the weather of your destination and pack suitable clothing and essentials. Be mindful of any packing restrictions imposed by airlines or host countries to avoid any inconvenience.

Learn the Local Laws and Customs

Lastly, familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs of the host country. Different countries have varying rules that may differ from those in your home country. Understanding and respecting these cultural differences contribute to a positive and respectful experience abroad.

By following these steps and preparing diligently, high school students can maximize their study abroad experience and gain valuable insights into different cultures and educational systems.


So you see, there are still several possible places you can try submitting your grant application to. Some comes with strings attached, but some other simply wants to help you. What’s important is you should submit your application before the deadline and fulfill every administrative requirement. We hope that you can get the grants for high school students to travel abroad!


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