How to Find Government Grants For Energy Efficiency

Government Grants For Energy Efficiency – Green living and energy efficient home is a hot topic nowadays, as it gives both environmental and financial benefits to the home owner, thus the increasing interest for government grants for energy efficiency. “Why the energy efficient home is preferred?” People may ask. Well, the answer to that could be varied, some people are motivated by their awareness on the environmental issues, some are looking to gain benefit saving the money on cooling and heating cost in the long run by having an energy efficient home, and some are motivated by both factors. Whatever the motivation is, having an energy efficient home is really hot on the trend and everyone should thinking of doing it too as their investment.

Federal Government Grants for Energy Efficiency

Federal Government Grants for Energy Efficiency

However to convert from using fossil fuel technology to the green energy, the renewable form of energy is often discouraged by the conversion cost. Many household want to make their home energy efficient yet they don’t have money to do so. For them, there are government grants for energy efficiency. Here we will provide you step by step and tips to apply for the grant and fulfill your goal to have an energy efficient home:

  • The first step to do is to go online, then register to the grant funder website. One of the most trusted sites you can visit to find the grant is To find the grants you are qualified for, you can use a tool in the website where you can search a particular grant with a decided parameter. Once registered, remember to note down your user name and password to log in the website and track any information about the grant information.
  • Like we said before, in the website you can find particular grants by using a searching available in the website. To use that you simply have to find the search field and enter the renewable energy type for your home. For more specific searching on the grants you are eligible for you can also add your status, such as “Individuals”, “Public housing Authority”, “ Small Business” or “non-profit organizations”
  • Once you find the desired grants you have to sign up for the time sensitive email subscription updates through the open grants database. You have to stay well-informed about the new grants you are eligible for because most of the time information changes rapidly. Subscribe to the RSS to make sure you don’t miss an update.
  • Get the application by downloading it from the website. Read the instruction carefully because the application for each grant may be different.
  • Fill out the application with honest information about yourself, check for grammar and content mistake before you finally submitting it to the grant funder.
  • After you submit the application, you will receive an e-mal that will inform you your tracking number for your application, and later another e-mail to confirm your application validation in the next 24 hours.

Track for the application patiently, the processing period may take longer time. You can use the waiting period by trying to apply for another government grants for energy efficiency


  • website –
  • DSIRE: Database of federal incentives –
  • Images:,,