4 Hardship Grants for Single Mothers

Getting hardship grants for single mothers can help many low-income mothers to get through a hard time of their life. There are many types of grants aimed to help these single moms, and we are here to provide you with some useful information on them.

1. Child Care Grants

Working single mothers have the toughest job in the world because they have to work while taking care of the kids at the same time. Many have to leave their kids because of their jobs, and they have to rely on childcare. The problem is that the childcare service in the United States is expensive. To address this problem, the state and federal governments work together and provide funding for various childcare providers in every state. Look for your state-registered childcare providers to get a low-cost or sometimes, free service. Usually, this grant is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF).


2. Grants for Basic Needs

Sometimes all a single mother need is some help to cover their basic needs such as foods, heating, etc. Grant program for food assistance comes in the form of Food Stamp Program and the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program. These two programs can give low-income single mothers with food and healthcare assistance. Meanwhile, if your children are at school there is the USDA National School Lunch Program, providing free or low-priced lunches for children. There are other options too coming from private sectors, including the food supplement program from America’s Second Harvest and Angel Food Ministries. There are also heating and electricity grant coming from the LIHEAP program, which is a program that will assist you to co-pay your heating and electricity bills.

3. Housing

If you are having your hardship and in current need of a housing assistance, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) may be able to help you to deal with this problem. Usually, the grant comes in the form of vouchers, which can be used to give your children a warm place for sleeping at night. Single moms can use the vouchers to help them with their monthly mortgage, or their housing-related expenses.

4. Education Grants

The United States government believes that education is the best solution for single parents to improve their life. Therefore, both the state and the federal government have provided various assistance programs to encourage single moms to continue their college education. The Federal Pell Grants is the basic education grant program given by the Federal government. The eligibility is determined by the result from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Federal Pell Grant program favors single mothers who are from low-income families. The Pell Grant awardees usually receive other additional grants to help them pay the tuition fees. These additional grants can come from the Federal or state government, and there are many other private-based grants.

So as you can see, there are many types of hardship grants for single mothers. Choose the one that you need and complete the application. We wish you all the best.


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