Financial Assistance for Lung Cancer Patients

Financial assistance for lung cancer patients can help the family avoiding the financial catastrophe that might happen following the series of treatments. As you know, just like other types of cancer, the cost for the treatment of lung cancer is extremely expensive. It is common to see families that are struggling financially at some point in their battle against cancer.

Financial Assistance for Lung Cancer Patients Sources

Below are some of the sources you can try when you’re looking for financial aid for your condition.

  1. Fundraising pages

Fundraising sites often become a great source of financial assistance. GiveForward.Com is a great site that can help people who need it. In fact, they have set up a special page about the disease at the Lung Cancer Alliance GiveForward site. You might need to know that there is a processing fee, which is about 7% of the donation.

If you want to look for region-specific assistance, you can opt to The Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition, which offers both national and regional assistance information for cancer patients and families. They have good information about both medical and non-medical assistance.


  1. Co-pay Assistance

There are several options if you’re looking for a co-pay assistance for lung cancer treatment. That being said, there are many people who are interested in co-pay assistance, so it is only natural that the competition is high. Some of the good examples of this financial assistance are The Assistance Fund, which provides assistance for the NSCLC. Contact them at 855-845-3663. The CancerCare also provides a co-pay assistance for non-small cell lung cancer. Other notable programs include the ones from the Patient Access Network Foundation and Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Center.

Remember, the funding for these programs are usually limited, so you might want to submit your application as soon as possible. We recommend sending the application in the earlier of the year, somewhere between January and March. Usually, they have run out of money in April. However, please check the site for the individual program to make sure.

  1. Drug and Prescription Assistance

Another big part of the total cost for cancer treatment is the cost of drugs and prescription. There are several programs that may be able to help you, which is usually available for people in need. For example, the Partnership for Prescription Assistance provide some help for people whose insurance doesn’t cover a prescription drug, and also people with no insurance. Meanwhile, the Needy Meds is a great source for information about drug assistance coming from both the government and the pharmaceutical companies.

  1. Transportation for treatment assistance

It is often that the patients and the family have to undergo a long journey to see their doctor. Some even go outside of their state. That can cost you quite a bit, but luckily there is assistance available, such as from the CancerCare. You can also use the money from the CancerCare for other purposes too, including child care and pain medication. Call 1-800-813-HOPE for information. A similar program also comes from American Cancer Society, National Patient Travel Center and Joe’s House.


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One Response

  1. Cynthia Bellevue August 28, 2018

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